Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Knitters unite!

This is the first posting for the Sydney Stitch n Bitch knitting group blog! Through this blog we will endeavour to keep all you knitters out there in touch with Stitch session times and dates, and events happening in knitting-land in and around Sydney, and also keep you up to date with the latest finished (and unfinished) objects that people are knitting in the group.

Have a look at the times and see when you can make a session at either the Rocks or Manly venue - we'd love to meet you. Keep in mind that we are also other-craft friendly, so if it's cross-stitch or origami that you're into, feel free to pop along and meet other crafty-minded folk.

Also, feel free to send any ideas, suggestions, or upcoming knitterly dates to us for posting via our email:

Looking forward to meeting new members,
Sydney Stitch


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